The Seller SMP was an easy install, VERY comfortable, just what this 72 year old was looking for.
As a cyclist above age 70, comfort is my priority. The saddle is on my Trek Checkpoint and so far so good. Always takes some time to dial in the saddle adjustment but at this point I am looking forward to a comfortable relationship with the SMP TRK.
This is my 3rd TRK. This seat cures my perineal numbness. The 1st 2 lasted about 6,000 KM each before the numbness came back. I rode Avocet, Brooks Imperial, an Aliante from an illiterately named brand, and an ISM Tri seat before trying the TRK. The best was the Brooks, which kept the numbness away for about 12 miles, but this works into the 40s for me. I do not mean to guarantee it will work for you, but if you're uncomfortable on your saddle, my reco is to consider the TRK, especially if numbness is a problem for you.
I've been riding about 1,300 miles a year on flat land. I'm overweight and 79 years of age.
I bought a touring bike and needed a touring saddle for the more upright position. Bike tourists can wax rhapsodic all day about their Brooks saddles but I need that Selle SMP channel and beak. I have a Pro on my road bike but I wanted something more padded for the touring bike. The choice was between the Plus and the TRK. The TRK was cheaper so I went with that and as soon as I got on it for the first time (while being fitted) I knew that this was the one. It fits so well and is so comfortable with my more upright touring position. And I don't have to go into a panic when the rain comes down.
On sale, this saddle is an absolute great deal. After 4 years of trying other saddles, I finally have a saddle that I'm comfortable spending long amounts of time on. No numbness issues, and is a great saddle for riding on rails to trails or canal trails. I do wonder through if I should have gotten a slightly stiffer saddle by choosing the gel. But so far, I have no complaints with this saddle.
The seat has made a significant difference for my wife. As a new rider the right saddle is critical to riding happiness.
The seat has made a significant difference for my wife. As a new rider the right saddle is critical to riding happiness.
Right now I have almost 30,000 miles in the past 5 years on 3 Selle TMP SRK saddles. I have one on my road bike, one on my gravel/dirt bike and one on my hybrid bike. Just this weekend (Memorial Day 2022) I rode 108 miles on Saturday and 70 miles on Monday without one saddle issue. This saddle combined with bibs from theblackbibs-dot-com are my happy combination!
This seat allows for rotation of you upper body forward and back without discomfort in the various positions, but it is, I think, designed to keep your sit bones in the same place. I don't think you want this saddle if you move your sit bones to different locations on the saddle. Some people like to move around the saddle - I like to keep my sit bones well planted and return to the same place after standing.
It takes a few rides getting used to, as all saddles do, but once you get it set up correctly it takes the pressure off sensitive areas. I changed my saddle on recommendation of my urologist. I was initially reluctant as I did not have a problem with my old saddle. Once I got the SMP saddle adjusted ... I found a video on line .. I was a happy I changed.
this is my second Selle SMP TRK saddle.
The OEM saddle I used for several years become more painful to ride longer distances. I decided it was time to try something different. The Selle SMP TRK saddle worked well and eliminated the pain I experienced. Find what works for you. The Selle SMP TRK works for me.
I have ridden on many seats and found most were uncomfortable. I tried a few after market seats and found that the Selle SMP TRK seats work for me, I have five of these seats on my road bikes (2), Gravel Bikes (2) and a Fat Tire Bike. I like the consistency and feel of this design. I find these seats take a little while to break in, they are kinda smooth and slippery until you get some miles on them. After 100-200 miles, they break in and seem to hold my position better. I have ridden 180 miles in the RAW ride in this seat, my butt was one of the few things to still be in good shape after that one day ride.
riding my bike
After trying countless saddles I have finally found the one. Hands down the most comfortable saddle for me. A little heavier than others but I'll take that tradeoff.
Wide enough to provide padded support for my sit-bones riding in a less aggressive, more upright position. Very comfortable for long rides.
No problems as of yet and already put over 200 miles on in in a couple of weeks.
I was looking for a more male-appropriate seat for my exercise bike. I'm recovering from quad tendon surgery and spending a lot of time on the bike to stretch the repair and rebuild quad muscle. Had started to notice those telltale symptoms after 30 minutes or so. Went shopping and found this seat at an excellent price. Fits me much better and I'm back to adding more time every day!
I use it for my training. I usually do 20 to 30 miles on a ride and I'm not squirming around to get comfortable. I can't think of anything that would make it better.
Got this saddle after purchasing a Trek Verve (upright riding). I was using my Brooks saddle, which love very much. No matter how many adjustments the saddle would not get comfortable. Sad, so put it back on my other bike which is a crank forward model. I only gave it a four star because it's just been a few rides and the verdict is still out. Nevertheless, it is more comfortable on the private parts. I'm sure will like it more after I get acclimated to the new ride and saddle.
This saddle was what I was looking for. I like a saddle that has a bit more padding . I'm a big rider. 6' 230 lbs. Have rode about 100 miles so far. Now I don't think about my bottom or legs going numb. It was well worth the price. I purchased my when it was on sale so I got a really good deal. I replaced the saddle on my new Kona that was very undesirable to ride on. So far on short rides of 20 -30 miles I don't have that numbness in my groin area like my other saddles. Would buy another one for my Trek when it comes time to replace it.