I understand chain lube is very personal and local riding conditions dictates which chain lube works best. I have been using Rock and Roll for years on my road bike chain with great success. It makes the chain easy to clean, and yo re-apply new lube. It last about 100 miles per application. I like that it is paraffin based.
Been riding for over 40 years and this is the best lube I have ever used .
It works as advertised .
This is my favorite dry lube. Shake it well. I apply by holding the bottle about underneath and approximately at the middle of the chain stay, just an inch or so behind the pedal on each rotation. This way it gets on the rollers and pins that make contact with the teeth. Using the chainstay to keep the bottle stable, I squeeze the bottle so the lube streams directly onto the rollers. TIP if concerned about splattering/splashing lube onto the braking surface of the rim, just drape a clean rag between the spokes at the area under which you're applying lube to the chain. This will protect your rim. I do about 6 revolutions of the pedals. Then wipe the chain. Wipe some more. And wipe one more time. To wipe the chain, grip the rag around the chain lightly and pedal backward. Rotate the rag to a clean dry area and repeat. When I can run my fingers over the chain links and get a distinct lubricated feel with no dirty fingers then I know the job is done.
Over the years I've used several different chain lubes but this has been my favorite. I'm a big guy and live in a hilly area and generally get around 4000 miles on my Ultegra chains. I am pretty meticulous about chain cleanliness and lubrication. This doesn't pick up grit and dust and is easy to clean.
I initially used R&R but my LBS talked me into trying another brand. The other stuff gummed up and got dirty a lot more and my rear cassette started showing signs of rust. I went back to R&R recently and could tell a difference. Not as gummy and easier to clean.
Best dry lube on the market!!
I use the product on my road bike chain. Rock-n-Roll Gold helps with shifting, keeping the chain lubricated, and clean. Depending on the article, a well maintained and lubricated drive train reduces friction by 4 watts, and I need all the extra power I can get! The riding conditions in Bakersfield, CA are dry and dusty in the summertime; however, the winter months are foggy and damp. Rock-n-Roll Gold works well in the winter months and when I am using my trainer; however, I find it a bit too heavy for the summer months. In the summertime I switch chain lubrication to Rock-n-Roll Absolute Dry LV (Red) because the conditions are so dry and dusty. I have been riding for over 40 years, and I think the Rock-n-Roll chain products are best chain lubricants on the market today!
I've been using RnR Gold for many years. I like it because it cleans and lubricates the chain quickly. The Con is after I have the chain clean I have to add a little more so that it has enough to work as a lubricant otherwise my chain makes too much dry chain noise.
Works well for the product purpose. Shake the bottle well before use and keep shaking as you use it. Dripping it on the chain works well for me. The spraying it on the jockey wheels just makes a mess and waste the product no matter how tidy you are. Let it sit and give it a good wipe down the next day after the wax has had a chance to set up in the chain rollers. I do this about every 50-75 miles and wipe the chain down after every ride. It is spotless and stays that way. The lube wears very quickly so your mileage may vary
Have used for years. Great lube. Great price
I've been using this lube for years. I apply it before every ride and run the chain through a rag until the residue left on the rag is light. This keeps the whole drive train clean and the chain lubed so that the bike runs quietly. I learned the hard way that if you don't keep your chain clean, you get chain stretch that erodes the teeth on the chain rings and cogs, which leads to replacement of the chain, chain rings, and freewheel cassette. That's a pretty expensive proposition in comparison to the minimal cost of the lube and the few moments of time to apply it before each ride.
I tried this for my winter/rain bike (live in PNW), and it seems to last a lot longer than my summer oil (using chain noise as my gauge). The down side is, it attracts more dirt and is much harder to clean off. This is acceptable to me for the purpose I'm using it for but I will keep using my other oil in the summer.
I tried it on a brand new ultegra 11speed chain and the chain is so greasy/messy before installing the new chain I totally degreased it and then followed rock and roll's instructions. I do longer rides so end up changing a few flats and impossible not to be a greasy mess with this lube. On my other bike I use Silca wax and that chain and sprocket are spotless
I use to lube my chains by throwing them in a liquid paraffin bath. Paraffin works great, keeps everything clean. But it was time consuming to set up the double boiler and let the paraffin melt, plus it didn't last long. Rock-N-Roll Gold appears to use a lot of paraffin, you can see it settle in the bottle, but applying it is a lot easier this way. It does a great job of penetrating into the linkages. Swipe off the excess, as recommended, and the chain will stay clean longer. If the chain is clean but begins to creak just freshen it up by applying another application.
if you follow the instructions you will not get many lube cycles out of the bottle. hopefully the results will be worth it, but kind of disappointed that they do not want you to just drip it on like most similar lubes, but instead really soak the chain with it.
I've tried a half-dozen chain lubes over the past five years. Dry, wet, & semi-dry, all of them did okay, but none really gave me a reason to change from my regular lube. So when I gave R&R Gold a try, I wasn't expecting anything different - just another lube to to check off my (growing) list.
To my surprise, I felt an immediate and noticeable improvement. That's never happened with any other lube that I've tried. After a couple of lube cycles, I also found that I could go 25% further between lubes without losing significant performance. I'm sold. This is my new standard.
I typically ride in dry weather on paved surfaces, so I haven't tried this out in wet (or colder) weather yet.
I was a longtime user of T9 until I was given a bottle of rock-n-roll gold by a fellow club member as a gag gift since my chain was too loud. After I cleaned my chain and tried it I was shocked by the results, my chain is almost silent now and I'm not having to lube it as often since I can ride around 100-200 miles depending on terrain. I would definitely recommend this if you are unsure of which lube to use!
Sure, you can buy Silca secret lube or UFC lube for the ultimate low friction numbers- but you're into 3-5 times the price on those lubes vs Rock n Roll Gold
The studies show that this lube is just marginally below the low friction rating of those two pricey lubes. Meanwhile- I love the ease of application and like the claim on the box, it actually does clean the chain if you do one application then wipe and reapply
It's well priced and doesn't make a mess-
Doesn't attract dirt and rides quite well for 30 hours of road riding most conditions
This is my favorite lube
I have been a long time Pro-link user for chain lubes. Last year, I decided to switch over to Rock-n-Roll as a chain lube for my road bike, with no regrets. Rock-n-Roll keeps my very clean, and avoids me taking the extra step of cleaning my chain before application. I lube my chain after every ride, which normally takes minutes, and let it set in over night, before use the next day. It seems too keep my chain and drivetrain more quiet, too. If conditions are wet, you may want to pull out a different lube for the day.
I use a master link and typically remove and clean my chains with diesel fuel every 300 miles or so, wipe dry, then lube with Rock-N-Roll as instructed, at the cassette. Then wipe off excess. Rock-N-Roll can be applied in between the more thorough cleaning without chain removal. The diesel is recyclable, in that it "layers" out after a week or so in the jar, such that the gunk settles to the bottom and you can pour off the clean diesel into your "shaker jar" for washing the chain. (small amounts, 2-3 rinse/shake cycles)