Being a recreational rider I like the flat protection and the amount time I can ride this tire. I crewed on Race Across America two years and we used the Maxxis Re-fuse tire both years. We had a total of two flats in those two years. I will continue to ride this tire as it fits my needs and budget.
The sleeper of the training tire category. The Re-Fuse gives Gatorskin-like puncture resistance, plus plenty of grip in wet conditions. No, it's not the fastest tire in the world, but delivers a smooth and secure ride.
A perfect tire for winter and spring training, or all-year adventure rides.
I have not had a flat from a goat head in a long time. I did have a nail cause a flat but that is to be expected.
I'm no podium fixture but I'm definitely a competitive rider. I used to ride 'race' tires even while training but got tired of flatting so I switched to the Maxxis Re-Fuse about a decade ago. I thought I would be giving up some performance but I liked them so much I started using them during races. I've done sub-5hr 100 mile rides on these so if I've given up performance, I can't tell. The only thing I've given up is changing flats. The grip is great and the wear is much better so I'm not changing them out as often. I've ridden the 23mm and 25mm versions and both are solid tires. Definitely recommend.
I've been looking for some time for the most reliable all-weather, year-round commuting tire and I've liked these well enough to buy a replacement pair. Haven't put the replacements on the bike yet, actually, as the old Maxxis Re-fuse tires on there just refuse to die. I've had one flat in the 5,000 some-odd miles I've got on them, and that was a beastly mega-staple I don't think anything could have stopped. I had not had such good luck nor long life with other similar tires I've tried: Contintental Gatorskins, Specialized Armadillo Elites, Panaracer Gravel Kings...
The Re-fuses are reasonably lightweight for what you get, give a supple ride and stick really well to the pavement, wet or dry. I ride the 28s and for me that's the perfect balance between comfort and speed. My commute in rainy (and gritty) Portland, OR takes me over some ridiculously bumpy railroad tracks in an industrial zone, where everything not strapped down in the back of the work trucks ends up in the bike lane--and yet, as I noted above: only one flat in 5,000-plus miles, almost a year and a half now.
The tires have been OK. One flat, hopefully no more.
Daily commuter in the rainy & gritty Pacific Northwest, and every time it's time for new tires, I go looking for a set that's going to be better than the last. These are the best I've found in 18 years of searching.
Great grip, even cornering fast on freshly rain-soaked streets, I'm more nervous than they are. They feel speedy, if that means anything, and the 28s certainly cushion some blows.
I ride through some industrial zones with bumpy RR-track crossings where the shoulders are usually littered with truck-bed debris screws, staples, scrap metal, etc. Flatted out plenty of times over the years, but so far with 1,000 miles or so on these, no flats at all. knocking on wood here.
Maybe not the lightest, but pretty darn light for the protection they offer. I much prefer these to the gatorskins, armadillo elites, & endurance tires I've used before.
There are many tires. Some more expensive than others.
If you pay more, you should get more. At least that is what I expect.
But with some tires I have paid more and didn't get better or equal performance to this tire.
For my money, I like maxxis refuse on my back tire and I expect to get at least 2 seasons out of the tire.
Every season, I place a fresh tire on the back wheel and move the old back tire into the front.
I do between 1500 and 1800 miles per season from April until October.
And so far, so good. Very few punctures and good performance on my training bike.
I have been riding for 35 years. Im not an athlete or in any competitions.
For riding my recumbent. This is the ONLY tire that I change because the excessive wear. All others are because the flat protection was compromised.
I get 3000 mi. With no flats.
My only 700 tire. I wish they made them in different sizes.
The only 700 tire I'll use. Period.
I wish they made a 26 for my winter bike.
I have bin ridding for 20 years and this is the most puncture resistant. Fastest tire I found.
Around Portland in the winter it seems like someone constantly shoots glass on the side of the roads with a cannon. I got tired of constantly repairing my Conti Gatorskins on every winter ride. So I tried these out. Exactly one flat in two years of winter riding, on a ride where everyone got a flat. The Maxxis, however, didn't actually flat until overnight in my garage. In short, great rolling resistance and puncture resistance. They seem to wear pretty well too. So for me, Maxxis Re-fuse on the rain bike and Conti Gatorskins on the dry bike
I've got the Maxxis Re-Fuse tires on both of my bikes. They are really great. They are light, fast, and "re-fuse" to get flats. They are so fast that they helped me set a course record in the Silver State 508 which is one tough race.
Great tires at a Great Price.
Got a thousand miles on. Nice not to have to fix tires as often, Handling is good. My use recreational.
I don't track my mileage on my tires so I can't give any specific data, but these tires last a very long time. I have never had a flat with one, and that includes occasional ruough shoulders and gravel roads. They provide a good ride at a good price.
Bought these tires for the Great Allegheny Passage and the C&O Canal. Had a puncture on the third and final day while we were taking a cut through on roads. It took a sharp steel piece of pipe on the road to slit it down the sidewall which doesn't have the kevlar belt protection. During examination after the trip, I found several other large slits in the front and rear tires, of which none had caused a flat.
I was looking for a 700x25 alternate to Gravel Kings with a file tread pattern to fit under my fenders for winter riding. I ride a lot of rough roads as well as crushed limestone/very light gravel paths and these are perfect. They went on with average ease. Really nice and grippy. No complaints
I use this tire on the rear wheel in the 25c size. After 1500 miles it has been bullet-proof. It is a little heavy, but when you're riding you don't notice the weight. I would not use this as race tire, but it is not meant for that. It's a strong and reliable training tire that you don't notice while riding and you don't have to change flats.
I just can't say enough about this tire. With this tire I unintentionally ran over the broken base of a bottle. The front tire, which is another tire. Immediately popped. The back maxxis went rite over it. No problem. I never seen anything like it. Definitely named correctly.
I used many many tires on my 2 recumbent bikes. This is the only tire that I NEVER had a flat on, and I ride a rail trail that many times has glass and stone chips that play havoc with any other tire. I only wish they made a 26" for my V-REX.This is the only 700 tire I'll buy. May be a little slower than some racing tires. But its plenty fast for me. Great product.