...you're not trying to savor the taste of a gel whilst you pump carbs and caffeine into your system on a ride. It's not the tastiest, but, it's effective. The caffeine hits your system quickly enough without giving one the shakes (at least not me), and, within a few minutes the fatigue starts to fade and you're turning the pedals with a bit more enthusiasm (if not less pain and maybe a bit more wattage). Maybe a banana is healthier. But, these things won't bruise and you can stuff a lot more of them into your pockets for those really long rides.
I take the gel shots during rest stops on rides longer than 20 miles. I recently rode a century and took a gel shot every 20 miles. The gels aren't a substitute for food but it did help me keep my energy up between snack and rest stops. I find the fruit flavors more refreshing. The chocolate flavors are too heavy for me.
Clif Gels provide a good source of energy during a bike ride. It is also easy on the digestive system during the ride.
always down a gel after every hour on the saddle, and it seems to get the job done.
the sweetness and kick of caffeine helps a lot.
it's a little on the thick side, so it would be helpful to drink some liquids along with its consumption.
The litter leash is a plus, you can grab it from your pocket, tear it with your mouth and down it all by using one hand.
Easy on my stomach, lots of energy. Especially good for early mornings as I can have less coffee at home before I leave, still get my caffiene and not worry about an unplanned pit stop - brilliant!
Easy to use packet. Environmentally friendly with the leash. I notice the difference about five minutes after consuming. Great product, great packaging!
Good gel with no HFCS and no added caffeine. Tastes good (I like Chocolate). I have bought many times.
I've been using Clif products for years It gets the job done
Easy to digest. Good energy bump
Gels are used during bicycle rides to replenish needed energy.
Nice that the tab stays attached to cut down on litter
I have been using Clif Shot for years. This is the best energy gel on the market in my opinion. I especially love the vanilla flavor (more like cake icing) which really works and provides a convenient way to fuel up on the go. The sale price made it a slam dunk.
These a good gels and I do appreciate the tab tail thingy which keeps the top attached so you only have to keep track of one piece of trash as opposed to two. I've not had any GI issues with these, and so far, they've worked a treat when out for longer rides.
Great product that packs well in a back pocket. Does what it says it will do. I like the double shots of caffeine the best.
Very good product at a reasonable price. Periodic mark down price offered by supplier.
Travels well in cold and hot temperatures. Absorbs quick for fast fuel when getting low. Used in combination with Clif Shot Bloks which keeps my legs from fading as much on the longer more demanding rides..
i have purchased multiple boxes of these over the past 2 years. love 'em. maybe a little pricey, but treat my stomach well, and power me through long fast rides. i also like the tear off tab which has a special piece which is easy to open but also holds the ripped part onto the whole gel packet, so that it doesn't come free and possible be littered. other brands rip right off and are hard to manage mid-race without dropping the torn off tip and littering the ground.
The Cliff shots give me an extra boost when I really need it.
easy to digest. One gel every 45 minutes with energy power in the water bottle provides enough carbohydrates for long endurance rides.
Delicious taste and really does the trick if your about to cramp on a bike ride. Chocolate is my favorite!