It also works to tighten zip ties.
This is a nice tool to have when routing or adjusting derailleur or brake cables. The tool is easy to use with its built-in locking mechanism.
This is another tool that falls in the category of not used often but indispensable when it is. Works great on my front center pull brakes that seem to always need adjusting. Not as useful on my rear brakes due to space constraints. not hard to justify the cost with a family of four with six bikes.
You'll use this for about 10 secs. for each brake and derailleur cable at the end of a cable/housing replacement job, but it eliminates a lot of wasted time and frustration, and helps to get the cable tension/placement just right.
This is tool is great to have and of course it is superbly made and works beautifully. I recently started to do more and more of my own repairs and maintenance so when I wanted to replace my shift cables it just made sense to buy this tool.
works great and necessary to do the job right
This item does what it say but unlike some other of Park Tool items it's not great.
The locking mechanism can easily pinch the bare strands and this leads to unwinding. I think there must be better versions of this tool so I'll be checking vehicle and electrical tools for my replacement.
However it is better than nothing and it's pretty cheap for what it does.
Without it changing a cable either a brake or derailleur is frustrating.
Getting the proper tension on brake cables, especially canti's, is so much easier with the Park BT-2. No more fumbling trying to hold three things at once.
My non Park Tool set squished the cable and the cable slipped to the inside. The real Park Tool has a slight groove that clamps the cable not allowing it to move or get damaged!
I don't know how I survived so long without this tool. It only does one thing, but it does it real well and is indespensible. If you only own one cycling tool- this should be it.
This is a great tool if you only have two hands! It is indispensable when working on your bicycle cables.
Decent tool that makes cable adjustments much easier. It really helps for setting up canti brakes!
Wait for the sale, then buy it. I own eight bikes and ride everywhere. This tool is a real time and labor saver for me. I am constantly replacing and adjusting bike cables. I should have bought this tool year ago. If you adjust cables you love this tool, a very useful gadget.
This makes it so much easier! Buy one now! (Or do what I did and do it 100 times the hard way first.)