I've been using Hammer Nutrition Gel for an energy source for all my rides from a quick hill training ride to 24-hour rides. I use it along with Hammer's Perpetuem and electrolytes in my water as a constant source of energy throughout the ride. It's easy to digest this way. I don't like having to swallow the gel straight and then wash it down, but this approach provides the benefit without the gag. And the variety of flavors keeps things from getting boring.
I like the taste, it's easy to digest, and consistently effective.
I really like Hammergel I carry a squeezable refillable flask with 5 servings and rarely use more than half even on my longest 3+ hour rides. I find eating solid food on a ride will sometimes upset my stomach but this never does. A quick hit every hour or so with a swig of water keeps my energy level steady and prevents me from bonking. Highly recommended.
I use this stuff almost every day for a long commuter ride. Never upsets my gut, gives me a good lift for the hills, doesn't taste horrible.
Quick and easy to use. Stores well. Acts almost immediately. Affordable.
This gel sits well on my gut during hard workouts and tastes delicious. Espresso and Chocolate Hazelnut are my favorite flavors (pro tip: drizzle this flavors on pancakes and waffles if you're out of maple syrup). The big bottle is more economical than single serving gels on a cost per serving basis.
Have been using Hammer for almost a year now. Just started using the larger size for convenience. Really like the way hammer gives me that little extra in addition to my normal energy food intake.
When I'm ready for an energy boost I can usually use a caffeine pick-me-up at the same time. I've always favored the espresso. I's sweet enough that I always think if as a mocha.
The packaging minimizes packaging waste. You can use a flask and get as much gel as you need.
cant carry on your rides due to the bulk size. I give 2 star from usability perspectives. Back to single use GU packages.
Use it with the flask really saves money. Also good when you don't want a whole gel.
I have used Hammer Gel for a long time. It's super simple to use with a Gel Flask and provides instant energy. And, no fussing with a foil packet, getting my fingers sticky, or worrying about disposal. Has saved me from bonking more times than I can count. Highly recommended.
I like the chocolate. It's not too sweet which is a good thing. Seems a little thick but I'm comparing it to my diy gel which ran a little thin.
I bought the "nocciola" flavor, which is great if you like Nutella. It doesn't taste overly sweet, and sits well on my stomach. My wife likes it, too--amazing, given that she can't handle any food or drink before long runs. The large bottle is more economical and environmentally friendly than single-serve packets. Opened bottles don't need refrigeration if you consume all the gel within two months.
I love Hammer Gel. It has save me (and my wife) from bonking on many rides. I also like the flask system - I find it so much easier to use versus the individual foil packets. And, you don't have to worry about packing the used up sticky packets (or littering with them). Love this product!!
I've been using hammer gel for many years. Moreso when I was younger and riding 60* miles at a pop. In summation this is great for a boost on a longer ride to prevent bonking. Now my rides are only 1.5 hours and this is all I have before the ride. I have always used the flavors containing caffeine. Hammer gel has quality ingredients without surplus sugar.
It's simple you need calories coming in on long or hard rides or long hard rides.... Hammer gel keeps it simple with the flask and delicious.
Boost energy while cycling.
I use this for all types of rides in all types of terrains on all types of bikes. Just a great product
I use it mountain biking for a burst of energy just before steep climbs or late in a ride when feeling fatigued