It did fuel my long 100+ mile rides, but was overly sweet to me. To the point it was just hard to drink. And on a hot day, wasn't a good combination.
Sticking to GU Roctane.
Have used this mostly after intense rides on Zwift. Especially the big climbing rides. Plan to take it with me when I start riding outside again. Also plan to try it as a pre-ride hydration drink. Tastes good with no after taste. Good thirst quencher after working outside in the yard as well. Any activity that generates a lot of water loss.
I use this as an in ride hydration drink. Since I have started using this, I do not cramp.
I've used EFS over several disciplines, swimming, cycling, Endurance horse racing. One drink, all disciplines. Easy to mix and stays soluble. A flavor for anyone.
Since I've been using EFS cramping is not an issue.
Easy to mix and good flavor. It seemed to provide everything from a hydration product I needed to ride strong