Bought this rack for a coast to coast tour, held up like a champ! I ran into a stile in Wisconsin, then a power pole in Green Bay, Then my sister in New Hampshire ( that one was the least violent of all the crashes). Super rugged, the lower eyelet mount got a little bent but the rest of the frame stayed true. Very solid, my bags didn't rattle much at all and I had them loaded to the gills. I had a gallon can of stove fuel in the front for the entire trip. Also happened to be in the bag that took all the impacts. Yes, I am a genius. Highly recommend this rack.
I asked a bike mechanic to mount this on my Trek 520, mainly because I'm lazy. I love this rack. Right now, I'm only carrying six water bottles, food and rain gear in low riders on day trips. No rattles, shakes or vibrations on fast down hills or rough gravel roads. Plenty of room for fender and brakes with easy access for additional tie downs for tent and other stuff on the top shelf.
Multiple ways to attach,, but chek very carefully B 4 U cut anything,, i found half dozen ways 2 mount mine B 4 i broke out the tubing cutter,, could easily have gotten by without cutting,, but it made a much neater looking job
Great rack, that unlike most front options can mount to just about any bike. I only have eyelets on the end of my fork, so this was key. It isn't very light, but for touring and grocery-getting this isn't a priority. I haven't tried to take off the top portion yet, though the option to is nice.
Highly recommend for anyone looking to carry more than your rear rack can already handle.
When it arrived, it was in pieces... apparently came apart during shipping... Can't say for sure whether it was poorly packed, the carrier was careless, whether a design flaw (or perhaps a little bit of all these things). The rack is fastened together at the top. It took some strength and patience to get it reconnected, and the connection joint doesn't seem very precise (to me suggesting the manufacturing may be a bit shoddy). Design-wise it's a really COOL rack, and I am hopeful it will stand up to a decent amount of abuse... but it makes me wonder... and will keep and eye on it.. I'll have to post another review after a few months' worth of use.